Business Recycling
Vermont's Universal Recycling Law bans recycling from the landfill for all businesses, offices, organizations, schools, municipalities, events and residents.
CVSWMD offers support to help determine what your site needs to do to comply with VT Law. Learn more about site assessments. Looking for information on Food Scraps and Food donations? Click here! Looking for more information on Business Hazardous Waste? Click here! |
Find a Hauler |
Are you a new business or location that does not currently have a recycling hauler? Click on the button below to get a list of licensed haulers in the CVSWMD.
Setting up clear systems for employees |
Recycling and trash bins should be paired in every location within your establishment. Employees should be notified of these locations and informed/trained on what goes in and stays out of recycling. Here are some tools to use for sharing this information with your staff.
Work with CVSWMD |
All recycling and trash bins should be paired in every location within your establishment. Employees should be notified of these locations and informed/trained on what goes in and stays out of recycling. Here are some tools to use for getting this information across to your staff.